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Terrington 2020-21 project

Terrington Archive goes live!

Our original project in 2020 had been to produce a set of interpretation boards covering the history and people of the village and walks in the parish, backed up by a website providing more detailed information. It was intended to be a resource for residents and visitors and kicked off with a very successful launch event in the Village Hall on 9 February 2020. See pictures of the launch event and the quiz and answers.

Within 3 weeks though Covid was upon us and by 23 March the UK as a whole was in lockdown. Terrington 2020 couldn’t proceed as planned and we turned the project on its head, pressing forward with the intended website, and developing it into something much bigger, gathering together material about Terrington over the years, photos, maps, stories of people and village histories, plus walks around the village and footpaths in the parish. We’re also putting up photos and copies of old documents that people here have kept in their families over the years, so that they’re not lost when those families eventually leave the village.

Lockdown gave us the ideal opportunity to work on oral history recordings which had been made over the years and which hadn't yet seen the light of day. Two audiotypists in the village were able to set about transcribing them, and they’ve now been fully indexed and made available, suitably indexed, on the website.

Another project that spun out at this time was one which would keep up the tradition started in the 1930s by rector James Wimbush who photographed all his parishioners and which we continued at the Millennium when we photographed everyone in the civil parish. Starting in Terrington in the first instance, we’ve now begun a photographic record of the buildings themselves, as seen from the public highway (or nearer, with the occupants’ consent). It will give people in years to come an idea of what Terrington looked like in 2020, something we don’t systematically have for years gone by. The idea is to make these photos available in due course.

©Terrington Arts
This page last updated: 7th April 2024

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